Friday, February 29, 2008

the global warming

Our research was about global warming. In our research we were very interested in knowing how much information people know about it, specially students at SIU. 10 surveys were passed out to students at the students' center. Among the students inquired, we have 6 women and 4 men, whose ages range between 19 and 25 years. Also, among the students inquired we have 4 students studying science, 1 is studying engineering, another one is studying liberal arts and 4 are in different majors not listed in the survey. According to the surveys, students are well informed about global warming and most of them are using energy appliances to help the environment and to save money as well.

Mt hypotheses is based on women care more about what it is happening with global warming. Actual surveys showed that women are more concerned about the earth warming and the US goverment should fight against global warming. It is also very interesting to know many students are beginning to use enery efficiency appliances at home, which it means they are already helping the environment any way.I learned that any students know about global warming and demand the goverment for soultions to this issue.

student: Julio Roa

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