Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Global Warming

Our grope, PengFei, Julio, and I, found out how American people think about global warming. We wanted to know what percent of people consider global warming and recycle. We had several hypotheses about global warming. First, American people who major in science have higher concern about global warming. Next, 50% of people will answer the earth is warming. Last, 80% of people will answer that they have extreme weather. Our group asked 30 people who are different gender, age and major in SIUC. We prepared a survey that has 30 questions. As a result, 97% of people answered the earth is warming and many of them are trying to recycle or saving energy. Besides, more than 50% of people answered the US government is not making efforts enough to stop global warming.

The survey was interesting for me. I wanted to know how Americans think about global warming and we had some unexpected facts. First, people whose major is not science answered that the earth is warming and we are having extreme weather. We are surprised that 43% of people know about Kyoto Protocol well, and 30% of them heard it. It is clear that many American people concern with global warming more than we expected. As we know, many countries are trying to stop global warming now; they banned plastic bags or save energy. On the other hand, we found that some people do not care about the problem at all. For our survey, a few people answered the earth is not warming and the US government is making efforts very well for global warming. Global warming is a worldwide problem so it is important that everyone and every countries are involved in solving the problem.

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